

A well written makefile describes all the files and settings used to compile a project and link it with the appropriate libraries

Managing a build with a makefile is less error-prone and far simpler after a one-time setup cost. A makefile with a proper dependency graph will only rebuild a target when one or more of the components it depends on has changed. This allows seperating the components of a project whcih can be built independently.


It is common practice to copy and modify old makefules rather than generating new ones from scratch.

# A simple makefile for managing build of project composed of C source files.

# It is likely that default C compiler is already gcc, but explicitly
# set, just to be sure
CC = gcc

# The CFLAGS variable sets compile flags for gcc:
#  -g        compile with debug information
#  -Wall     give verbose compiler warnings
#  -O0       do not optimize generated code
#  -std=c99  use the C99 standard language definition
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O0 -std=c99

# The LDFLAGS variable sets flags for linker
#  -lm   says to link in libm (the math library)

# In this section, you list the files that are part of the project.
# If you add/change names of source files, here is where you
# edit the Makefile.
SOURCES = demo.c vector.c map.c
TARGET = demo

# The first target defined in the makefile is the one
# used when make is invoked with no argument. Given the definitions
# above, this Makefile file will build the one named TARGET and
# assume that it depends on all the named OBJECTS files.

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)

# Phony means not a "real" target, it doesn't build anything
# The phony target "clean" is used to remove all compiled object files.

.PHONY: clean

    @rm -f $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) core


Subsitutions defined toward top of the file, e.g. (CFLAGS = -g -Wall), and are similar to #define in C . It can be referenced later with $(CFLAGS).

Example macros: - OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.c=o) - Defines the OBJECTS macro to be the same as the SOURCES macro except that every instance of .c is replaced with .o. - $@: - built-in, name of the current target - $^: - built-in, current targets list of dependencies


Written in the following form

target-name : dependencies

where the target name is the name of the file that will be produced when this target is built. The first target listed in a make file is the default target, meaning it is invoked by make with no args.

  • Phony targets

    The clean target in the example does not fit the pattern which is previously described of targets. It does not create a file named clean, rather it is a shortcut for running a command whcih cclears out the projects build files. These commands are listed as dependencies of .PHONY which allows Make to run the target without any dependency checks.

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