Planetary Computer

Tags :: STAC

Landsat Collection 2 Level 2

Collection URL ::

Providers ::

  • NASA (producer, licensor)
  • USGS (producer, processor, licensor)
  • Microsoft (host)

License :: Public Domain

DOI ::

  • Landsat 4-5 TM Collection 2 Level-2 : (10.5066/P9IAXOVV)
  • Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 2 Level-2 : (10.5066/P9C7I13B)
  • Landsat 8-9 OLI/TIRS Collection 2 Level-2 : (10.5066/P9OGBGM6)


Band Key Central Wavelength Bandwidth Description
TM_B1 blue 0.49 μm 0.07 μm Visible blue (Thematic Mapper)
TM_B2 green 0.56 μm 0.08 μm Visible green (Thematic Mapper)
TM_B3 red 0.66 μm 0.06 μm Visible red (Thematic Mapper)
TM_B4 nir08 0.83 μm 0.14 μm Near infrared (Thematic Mapper)
TM_B5 swir16 1.65 μm 0.2 μm Short-wave infrared (Thematic Mapper)
TM_B6 lwir 11.45 μm 2.1 μm Long-wave infrared (Thematic Mapper)
TM_B7 swir22 2.22 μm 0.27 μm Short-wave infrared (Thematic Mapper)
ETM_B1 blue 0.48 μm 0.07 μm Visible blue (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
ETM_B2 green 0.56 μm 0.08 μm Visible green (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
ETM_B3 red 0.66 μm 0.06 μm Visible red (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
ETM_B4 nir08 0.84 μm 0.13 μm Near infrared (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
ETM_B5 swir16 1.65 μm 0.2 μm Short-wave infrared (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
ETM_B6 lwir 11.34 μm 2.05 μm Long-wave infrared (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
ETM_B7 swir22 2.2 μm 0.28 μm Short-wave infrared (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
OLI_B1 coastal 0.44 μm 0.02 μm Coastal/Aerosol (Operational Land Imager)
OLI_B2 blue 0.48 μm 0.06 μm Visible blue (Operational Land Imager)
OLI_B3 green 0.56 μm 0.06 μm Visible green (Operational Land Imager)
OLI_B4 red 0.65 μm 0.04 μm Visible red (Operational Land Imager)
OLI_B5 nir08 0.87 μm 0.03 μm Near infrared (Operational Land Imager)
OLI_B6 swir16 1.61 μm 0.09 μm Short-wave infrared (Operational Land Imager)
OLI_B7 swir22 2.2 μm 0.19 μm Short-wave infrared (Operational Land Imager)
TIRS_B10 lwir11 10.9 μm 0.59 μm Long-wave infrared (Thermal Infrared Sensor)

Item Assets

Title STAC Key Roles Type GSD Spectral bands Description
Surface Temperature Quality Band qa Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Quality Assessment Band (ST_QA) Surface Temperature
Angle Coefficients File ang Metadata Text document Collection 2 Level-1 Angle Coefficients File
Red Band red Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) red
Blue Band blue Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) blue
Downwelled Radiance Band drad Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Downwelled Radiance Band (ST_DRAD) Surface Temperature
Emissivity Band emis Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Emissivity Band (ST_EMIS) Surface Temperature
Emissivity Standard Deviation Band emsd Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Emissivity Standard Deviation Band (ST_EMSD)
Surface Temperature Band lwir Data, temperature GeoTIFF (COG) lwir Collection 2 Level-2 Thermal Infrared Band (ST_B6) Surface Temperature
Thermal Radiance Band trad Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Thermal Radiance Band (ST_TRAD)
Upwelled Radiance Band urad Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Upwelled Radiance Band (ST_URAD)
Atmospheric Transmittance Band atran Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Atmospheric Transmittance Band (ST_ATRAN)
Cloud Distance Band cdist Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Cloud Distance Band (ST_CDIST)
Green Band green Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) green
Near Infrared Band 0.8 nir08 Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) nir08
Surface Temperature Band lwir11 Data, temperature GeoTIFF (COG) 100 m TIRS_B10 (lwir11) Collection 2 Level-2 Thermal Infrared Band (ST_B10)
Short-wave Infrared Band 1.6 swir16 Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) swir16
Short-wave Infrared Band 2.2 swir22 Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) swir22 Collection 2 Level-2 Short-wave Infrared Band 2.2 (SR_B7)
Coastal/Aerosol Band coastal Data, reflectance GeoTIFF (COG) OLI_B1 (coastal) Collection 2 Level-2 Coastal/Aerosol Band (SR_B1)
Product Metadata File (txt) mtl.txt Metadata Text document Collection 2 Level-2 Product Metadata File (txt)
Product Metadata File (xml) mtl.xml Metadata XML Collection 2 Level-2 Product Metadata File (xml)
Cloud Quality Assessment Band cloud_qa Cloud, cloud-shadow, snow-ice, water-mask GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Cloud Quality Assessment Band (SR_CLOUD_QA)
Product Metadata File (json) mtl.json Metadata JSON Collection 2 Level-2 Product Metadata File (json)
Pixel Quality Assessment Band qa_pixel Cloud, cloud-shadow, snow-ice, water-mask GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-1 Pixel Quality Assessment Band (QA_PIXEL)
qa_radsat Saturation GeoTIFF (COG)
Aerosol Quality Assessment Band qa_aerosol Data-mask, water-mask GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Aerosol Quality Assessment Band (SR_QA_AEROSOL)
Atmospheric Opacity Band atmos_opacity Data GeoTIFF (COG) Collection 2 Level-2 Atmospheric Opacity Band (SR_ATMOS_OPACITY)

Get Landsat acquistion time

This shows how to get the acquistion time of Landsat observations for the AmeriFLUX tower, US-Akn + a 5000m bounding box.

Per the STAC Item specification the datetime property is the representative searchable date+time of the asset. In the case of Landsat (and most other EO sensors) this will be the acquisition time.

# stdlib imports
import datetime
import warnings

# third party imports
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import planetary_computer
from pystac_client import Client

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=UserWarning)

# Query bbox
bbox = (

# Construct time query
start_date = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 31)
date_query = [start_date, end_date]

# Open connection to planetary computer
client =

# Search Landsat Collection 2 level 2
items =

# Marshal to geopandas and make sure datetime col is interpreted as such
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(items.to_dict(), crs="epsg:4326")
df.datetime = pd.to_datetime(df.datetime, format="mixed")

print(df.datetime)  # or save to csv, whatever you want

The output will look something like the following;

0 2022-12-24 16:00:47.476549+00:00
1 2022-12-16 16:00:50.758114+00:00
2 2022-12-08 16:00:56.864277+00:00
3 2022-11-30 16:00:48.928334+00:00
4 2022-11-22 16:00:56.746617+00:00
503 2011-02-09 15:50:21.961013+00:00
504 2011-02-01 15:53:47.790804+00:00
505 2011-01-24 15:50:19.864081+00:00
506 2011-01-16 15:53:42.331390+00:00
507 2011-01-08 15:50:19.903038+00:00
  • Localize

    It is important to note that the time will be in UTC+0.0. If you need to localize the time, this UTC GeoJSON contains the geometry of every UTC time zone and their offsets. A “quick” spatial merge will give you the offset. E.g.

    # Read in timezone data and join
    utz_timezone = gpd.read_file("utc_tz.geojson")
    df = gpd.sjoin(df, utz_timezone, how="inner")
    df["hr"] = df.datetime.dt.hour + df["name"].astype(int)


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