
Initialize project with meson

meson init --language=fortran --name=hello  --version=0.1

Program units

main program

A program in fortran is defined with program <name> directive and ends with end program <name>. E.g.:

program hello
  implicit none
  ! ...
end program hello

The name of the program is not neccisarily needed, but it is helpful when working on different programs and with organization

program foo
  implicit none
  integer :: a, b, n
  real :: x

  n = 1, 10
  do n = 1, 10
     call add(a, n)
  end do

end program foo


Subprogram invoked from expressions and always returns a single result. These are side effect free. Can declare data and execute code, but are only invoked from expressions.

function sum(a, b)
  integer, intent(in) :: a, b
  integer :: sum

  sum = a + b
end function sum


Subprogram that can modify multiple arguments in place, but can’t be used in expressions. These can return any number of output arguments. Invoked with call statement, e.g. call add(a, 3). These are better suited for work that modifies the program state, or has other side effects such as input or output

subroutine add(a, b)
  integer, intent(in out) :: a
  integer, intent(in) :: b

  a = a + b
  print *, 'a = ', a
end subroutine add


Nonexecutable collection of variable, function, and subroutine definitions


Extends an existing module and is used for definining variable and procedure definitions that only that module can access. Useful for more complex apps and libraries.


Fortrans typing is a static, manifest, strong system:

  • static every variable has a data type at compile time, and that type remains the same throughout the life of the program
  • manifest All variables must be explicitly declared in the declaration section before their use.
  • strong vars must be type compatible when passed between a program and functions/subroutines.

Always use implicit none

Historically, fortran supports allowing variables to be inferred by the compiler based on the first letter of the variable. Any variable that began with I, J, K, L, M, or N was an integer and was a float otherwise. Fortran 90 was the first release which allowd completely disabling implicit typing with the implicit none statement before declaring variables.

implicit none will instruct the compiler to report an error if a variable is used which hasn’t been declared.

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