Copernicus & Sentinel
Copernicus is created by the European Space Agency (ESA) and comprises many different missions through the Sentinel satellite group.
Sentinel 1
- Polar orbiting, all-weather, day and night RADAR imaging mission.
- Synthetic aperture radar
- 9-40 meter pixel resolution
- 1A and 1B launched in 2014 & 2016
Sentinel 2
- Land monitoring, polar orbiting mission for vegetation, soil, water cover, and inland waterways.
- Multispectral - 12 bands
- 5 days temporal resolution
- 2A & 2B launched in 2015 and 2017
Sentinel 3
- Ocean monitoring
Sentinel 4
- Geostationary orbit
- Mission is to monitor the atmosphere
Sentinel 6
- Radar altimeter ocean monitor
- Will replace JASON